File #: TMP-1559    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Informational Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/17/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/13/2021 Final action:
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Staff Legislative Update Attachment
July 13, 2021


NOTE AND FILE updates to legislation with an official City position.

Board or Commission Action
Not applicable

Relevant Council Strategic Theme
Planning for the Future
Good Governance

Relevant Department Goal
Not applicable

Executive Summary
The City Council adopted the 2021 Legislative Platform to guide the consideration of state and federal bills that affect City operations. In keeping with that direction, this report provides updates on California state legislative activity.


State Budget Update
While the legislature met its constitution deadline to pass a budget for FY2021-22 by June 15 with the passage of AB 128 on June 14, the process will nevertheless be drawn out. AB 125 contained the compromise between the Assembly and Senate leadership, but was not thoroughly negotiated with the Administration. As of June 28, 2021 the Governor and legislators continued to meet and confer on a second budget bill, known in Sacramento as the Budget Bill Jr., which would make substantial amendments to the budget.

Every year, staff expects numerous budget trailer bills throughout the normal legislative session following the passage of a state budget. However, due to the uncertainties posed by potential additional impacts of COVID-19, extended tax filing deadlines, and pending legislative priorities, staff expects an uncharacteristically high amount of budget trailer bills to emerge in the next one to two months. Member requests for funding are not expected to be taken up until late July or August.

Opening California
On Friday June 11, the Governor, issued Executive Order N-08-21 which provided direction for re-opening for many sectors of the state. One of those sectors is continued flexibility for local agencies in meeting Brown Act requirements during meetings, through September 30. Also of note in the Executive Order is the pushback to S...

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